So, I was out walking the other morning, partly for exercise and partly for sanity. Whilst we are lucky in Western Australia, COVID-19 has certainly changed life.
My creativity and discipline feel like they have gone out the window in all aspects of my life. I felt like I had hit a wall. I have a painting looking at me that feels flat, a quilt design that is just not working and a To-Do list that felt overwhelming. So a walk along the beach was just what I needed, I could just be.
Washed up on the shore were hundreds of Blue Bottles (nasty stingy jelly fish) which I find so beautiful. Deadly but so pretty and delicate. I often wonder at the journeys they have, floating across the ocean. Luckily I had my phone (who doesn't these days!) and took some photos, storing them for reference later. My mind had started to plan.
While I was doing this I noticed the gentle lapping of the water and the ever changing colours of the ocean as the sun rose over the land (it sets over the ocean here). Changing though pinks, purples, blues and soft yellows.
There was help for my painting. I felt at peace, and an immense sense of gratitude to be so lucky that I witness the emergence of a new day.
So no matter what the week/month/year so far has held, I was reminded that each day is a fresh new day. It is an opportunity for me (and you). Beauty surrounds us, we just need to stop, breathe, take time out for me, and allow.
Anita : -)